For the certification as coach, all of the following educational levels need to be completed.
For a coach, it is important to deal with your own history and your own experience. Self-perception forms the basis for further steps in coaching training.
- Reflection on your own behaviour patterns
- Awareness of your own biography
- Experiencing the methods from the perspective of the client
- Clarification of own motivation for the role as trainer or coach
Formal Criteria
- 100 units of self-awareness (in single settings or group settings). This self-awareness session has to be supervised by a qualified certified Master Coach or a recognized psychotherapist.
In addition to self-awareness, theoretical knowledge forms the basis for the adoption of methods and techniques, which lead to a cognitive restructuring and changes for the clients. For this part a primary method should be selected.
- Accumulation of knowledge about the structure of drama, happiness and change in general
- Accumulation of knowledge about diverse communication training and coaching methods
- Accumulation of knowledge about theory and models for the selected primary method
- Accumulation of practical skills and methods in the area of interviewing and relationship formation
- Accumulation of practical skills and methods in the area of intervention inducing changes
- Accumulation of practical skills and methods in the area of difficult coaching situations
Formal Criteria
- 50 units of theory seminars, of which at least 40 hours of theory related to the selected primary method.
- 100 units of coaching techniques related to the primary method selected with special emphasis on one’s own actions and the reflection of one’s own actions. This part needs to take place in a group setting in any event.
- 10 units of supervision. This supervision needs to be carried out with one of the Master Coaches.
Theintegrativecoaching approachallows maximum flexibilityby integrating avarietyof methods and approaches. Thistrainingblockcomplements the selected primary methodwithadditionaltechniquesfrom other fields.
- Accumulation of knowledge about theory and models of at least two additional methods
- Accumulation of practical skills and techniques in the field of the additional methods
- Accumulation of skills to integrate diverse methods into one’s own actions
- Quality assurance
Formal Criteria
- 20 units of theory seminars
- 50 units of coaching methods in the field of additional techniques, with special emphasis on one’s own actions and the reflection of one’s own actions. This part needs to take place in a group setting in any event.
- 5 units of supervision. This supervision needs to be carried out with one of the Master Coaches.
A pre-requisite for certification as a coach is the completion of all educational levels. Reflection and experience complete the profile.
Formal Criteria
- 10 completed coaching sessions, one case of which documented.
- Elaboration of a written coaching concept (methods and understanding of roles).
- 5 units of supervision, of which at least 1 supervision unit have to be carried out in single settings.
The supervision has to take place with one of the Master Coaches. - Commitment to the EAIC ethical guidelines.
- Accumulation of experience
- Reflection on one’s own role as a coach
EAIC certifications are not a business licences. The certification only means an assessment of qualification. For exercising the profession commercially, the legal framework defined in the respective countries applies.